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World race training camp covid edition

I pulled up to training and my ride asked if this was cheer camp lol! The leaders were out cheering as each car pulled in and they were estatic to see us. I went through some covid questions in the office and then received my assignment and went to the campsite to set up. There I was greeted by other missionaries as they took my tent and set it up for me. Everyone was quick to help and make you feel welcomed, and as this was going on it started to rain. I think a hurricane followed me from Texas to Atlanta and it poured rain on us all weekend long. In the moment we all thought it was horrible being wet and smelly and not really able to get out of that. (but God) Through all that we let our guards down and stopped worrying about trying to impress people. We showed our true colors… the good the bad the smelly lol. But it became a beautiful thing cause we moved past all that to see the love of Christ overflowing in each other’s hearts. We became family and chose to be each other’s support and to lift each other up. Over the week we had many sessions on hearing God’s voice and how to have a cultural lens, and things of that sort. We also tried foods from other countries… I will never forget the day I tried the century egg and a cricket! It was the worst but I got through it, and I chose to go last on getting my food at each meal, to let people get what they want because I’m used to doing ministry back home and making sure others eat. At two meals everyone made me go first and applauded me for my heart, and it was extremely awkward but also nice that they wanted to do that for me. There is so much more I could talk about, like how we had a worship and prayer session one night and everyone was gonna do a half an hour but Mitchell and I decided we were gonna go all night and get to know this new family the Lord had given us. It was amazing watching people open up and seeing God move, and through that I was asked at the end of the week to be one of the worship coordinators on our race. It was such a blessing to be a part of all that happened at our training, and of course it was a bummer that we missed out on squad wars and we weren’t allowed to get close to other squads cause of covid but it also gave our new family time to grow together. We all have a heart for Christ and a heart for the nations so… H squad you got my yes!