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So my name is Jonathan, I am originally from California where I lived kind of a different life, in my preteen and teen years I basically raised myself, I wasn’t a very good student so I blew my time away with things and choices of the world, I got real heavy into drinking and blowing off school, I made a lot of bad choices and God had to wake me up, so one night I drank a lot of alcohol and while I was out of my right mind I said the wrong thing to a drug dealer, he got upset and left, but then saw me the next day and pulled a gun on me. He pulled me into a friend’s garage and called a bunch of his friends over, they ended up jumping me for 13 hours, as they took turns hitting me and saying awful things to me, the main guy told me many times he was gonna kill me or lock me up as a slave, he told me he was gonna rape my mom and kill my brothers, I was scared of him and scared to die, I didnt have a personal relationship with Christ and didn’t know where I would go if I died so I pushed through, everyone left and the Main guy walked out to wave another car down, I took off running, my friend called the cops and the guy was picked up, he went to jail and my mom decided she was willing to start over so we ended up moving from California to Texas where I ended up getting in church and God turned my life around, I dedicated my life to God and to full time ministry in 2006, over the years I have grown in many ways and been apart of many ministries and missions, and now God has opened this new door for the world race. ….