Three days off
So we’re given a few days off to relax and refuel, we took a van to Jaco, at least four hours away. We left the farm and headed to a beach town where the rest of our groups are at doing service projects around the area, we were able to go to church with them and catch up a little bit but not over do it with the questions, cause it is a different world living on the farm,Sunday night we got ready to watch the super bowl at our hostel, Daniel and I went to buy pizza and wings, on the way back we ended up catching what we thought was a cab but was not. The driver told us about him and told us if we were to get pulled over that we need to tell the cops that we were friends not paying for a ride, he then went on talking about God and his rela with the Father so we started to feel more comfortable, but just a moment later he talked about getting in a accident recently and having to pay the police off cause he doesn’t have a license among other things, it was pretty sketchy but we made it back to the hostel. we ended up getting to eat our pizza by the pool and watch the game while swimming, after that we connected with a group of people in conversation then moved up to the roof where we were able to have a jam session/dance party on the roof of our hostel, with some of the employees and some regulars, a lot of people here are on drugs and want nothing to do with God but we also had a breakthrough with a couple, I was able to share a piece of my testimony with one and two others were really interested in our relationships with Christ, they were asking a lot of questions even though there friends were trying to pull them out of conversations they were interested in knowing the truth, so please keep those three and there whole group in your prayers that God would show up in there life’s and change there thoughts and cleanse there minds in Jesus name.