Radical prayer and healing.
Jesus is so amazing and I am so blessed to serve Him through this trip, I have been so blessed to be able to share my story at two schools and have made many connections in the tourist town we go to once a week for our adventure days, this morning I saw healing in front of my own eyes, my host is an older gentleman and before we came he had fallen and messed up his knee, well my team and I have a norm of praying radical prayers, so this morning when I saw Tony putting medicine on his knee I felt God push me to be radical so I asked if I could pray for him, a little while later God moved and Tony started running back and forth across the farm, I was so grateful to see God move, I am praying that this year would be full of radical prayers, radical healing and that we would develop radical faith in our Father, please keep us in your prayers, and also keep praying for the world to open up so we can follow our calling and reach the nations.