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God is an amazing God who doesn’t call the equipped but equips the called, so I have definitely seen that in my life over the past fifteen years God has opened so many amazing doors in and through my life to be a vessel for Him, even though I am a highschool drop out, I use to be extremely shy and didn’t like talking in front of people, even though I use to turn to alcohol and ran around as a hoodlum getting in trouble, God still chose me and has used me in ways I could have never imagined. I literally have conversations with friends and they talk about how God has worked through me in there life’s, I look back on the countless mission trips that I have been so blessed to be apart of, I look at every ministry I have had the opportunity to be apart of or fun for a season, you can’t imagine how much I have been apart of, because God opened door after door, im not trying to say this in a way that is saying look at me but I am trying to say look at God, he can use you right where your at weather it being a backyard missionary or over seas He has a plan and a purpose for your life, it might be to run a bible study or feed the homeless or reach the people at your job, we are all called in different ways but we are all called, also don’t worry about who you think you are or what you have been through, the more crap in your life the easier to plant you 😉 just know God will do a work in you and change you from the inside out, kind of like when you look at weeds and know how bad they are but still beauty comes through with a flower, God can do that with you, he can grow that flower with in you and as your old persona and sin begin  to wash away Gods beauty shines through you as well, it doesn’t matter what your parents look like or what the world looks like, it doesn’t matter what ethnic group or color the world tells you are, it doesn’t matter if your rich or poor, a student or a teacher God can and would love to able to use you. 

God can open big doors on little hinges.