Family Redemption
When I was young I had issues with my stepdad, I also was living around gangs and growing into a hoodlum. My stepdad and his whole family are from Guatemala, but because I had issues with him and didn’t want him and my mom together I acted out, his family would come to visit him and he would buy them all sorts of things and take them out to have fun. Well one day I got tired of it, I started to steal from them and got close to fighting one of these guys, I didn’t like any of them and wanted nothing to do with them, years later after moving from California to Texas and many years of God changing my whole life and turning me around. They came to visit. I was very involved in ministry and was hardly home, one of the last days they were at our home in Texas they found out I had become a believer and could tell something different about me, but cause of ministry and work I was never home. So we never really talked about it. Now many years later I am here on the world race and God directed my route to Guatemala, I messaged them and let them all know I was in Guatemala and would love to see them if they were ever free, I didn’t know how they would respond but took a chance, let me tell you I am so glad I took that chance, two of my cousins picked me and a team mate up and we went to lunch and explored and did so many amazing things. They told me they would love to have my team and I over for dinner, and as I started to look through there pictures I saw an amazing place to go overlook the city, I asked if we could go sometime and they ended up making it happen for my team, it was such a blessing to spend the day hanging out and becoming the family we should of been a long time ago, there was so much joy and laughter at dinner and so many amazing pictures and memories made today.