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Today I am sitting in a park on my sabbath writing to you. To tell you that we made it,  all though last month was a joy getting to see my family and learning and working with YWAM Guatemala we made our trip seven hours north to Chicaman Guatemala, a small town with outskirts of indigenous villages, we made it here on the 1st and hit the ground running, we have no clue what all we will be doing but it has already been a blessing going into these villages, one of the villages we are working in was wiped out by a mudslide, praise God no one was killed but all the houses were buried and ruined, so down a little ways we are working on new houses for them. We are helping with building these new houses, running electrical, painting and other things, while working you have kids and different people pop in and smile, and I feel Gods love through each one as we are making a difference in the lives of people in this village, this village is on the side of a mountain and it had been raining so let me tell you I have eaten it many times but learned to go with it lol I am going to get muddy and gross and maybe the first fall was embarrassing but by the third I was cracking up, it was worth it to be apart of helping others, keep us in prayer as we try to finish these houses and with all the other experiences we might have as we head into other villages and meet with several pastors from different areas. I love and miss y’all but also feel so blessed to be here serving.